SRPG - Self Recursive Power Generation
[SRPG - 自遞歸產能系統]

SRPG - Ultimate Solution to Wildfire and Air Pollution and Climate Change - Next Prime Evolution of Science - 81i.ORG do not seek funding to develop SRPG! [SRPG - 解決 野火與空氣污染與氣候變遷的終極方案 - 科學的下一個重大進化 - 81i.ORG 不尋求開發 SRPG 的資金!]


SRPG (Self Recursive Power Generation) is a self-contained, enclosed system that will continuously generate stable electric power without the use of any fuel, external power source, nuclear reaction, or any external factors. [SRPG(自遞歸產能系統)是一個完全獨立且封閉的系統,能夠在不使用任何燃料、外部電源、核反應或任何外部因素的情況下,持續產生穩定的電力。]

By chaining SRPG modules in two levels, SRPG will continuously generate stable electric power to meet any demand, in various forms, without the need for maintenance or causing pollution. [透過將 SRPG 模組串聯成兩層,SRPG 能夠持續產生穩定的電力,以滿足各種需求,並且以多種形式提供電力,無需維護且不產生污染。]

Any building, area, continent, automobile, aircraft, or ship—whether on Earth or in space—powered by SRPG will become a self-sustaining, closed-loop power ecosystem, ensuring there is no risk of power failure or shortage. [任何由 SRPG 驅動的建築、區域、大陸、汽車、飛機或輪船,無論在地球還是太空中,都將成為自足的封閉電力生態系統,並且不會有電力故障或短缺的風險。]

SRPG is the new science that continuously extracts atomic energy, other than through fission or fusion. SRPG is not a perpetual motion machine! [SRPG 是一種新科學,能夠持續提取原子能,並非透過核分裂或核融合。SRPG 不是永動機!]

81i.ORG do not seek funding to develop SRPG!!! SRPG is fully developed and is ready for validation and commercialization. [81i.ORG 不尋求研發 SRPG 之 資金!!! SRPG 已完成研發並立即可以進行任何嚴格之驗證與商業化]

81i.ORG urgently seeks protection for SRPG from EVIL! 81i.ORG seeks VIRTUOUS organizations as partners to validate and deploy SRPG to save Earth and our future generations! ]81i.ORG 迫切尋求善良共同保護保護 SRPG 使其免受邪惡之侵害! 81i.ORG 尋求正義組織之合作協力共同保護和驗證和建設 SRPG 以拯救地球與我們的後代![

If you want to save Earth and our future generations, please contact 81i.ORG now before SRPG falls into evil hands! [如果你希望能拯救地球與我們的後代, 請立即 聯繫 81i.ORG!]

SRPG combines with current technologies such as laser, jet propulsion, artificial intelligence, batteries, light sails, and more. Soon, humanity will have total control over the climate, be able to instantly eliminate wildfires using laser cooling, eliminate pollution and disasters caused by power generation and battery production, travel through space at over 70% of light speed, fly directly to space without rockets or fuel, establish a drone defense network to prevent nuclear wars and stop conflicts, provide affordable energy to ALL people, and much more. And of course, SRPG could trigger an ELE (Extinction Level Event) if it falls into evil hands. SRPG is the key to the next evolution of science! 81i.ORG means exactly what is said!

[當 SRPG 結合當前的激光、噴氣推進、人工智能、電池、光帆等先進技術時,不久後,人類將能夠完全控制氣候, 並結合激光冷卻技術瞬間消除野火,消除由發電和電池生產引起的污染與災難, 並能夠以超過 70% 次光速航行太空,無需火箭或燃料即可直接飛向太空,建立無人機防禦網防止核戰爭及制止衝突, 為所有人提供可負擔的能源,還有更多。 當然,如果 SRPG 落入邪惡之手,將可能引發 ELE(滅絕事件)。SRPG 是下一個科學進化的關鍵! 81i.ORG 絕不誇大其詞!]


Phoenixticity is the constant, undiminished atomic force that keeps air molecules separated, creating air pressure and similar physical phenomena. Enclosed air always maintains a specific air pressure, with air molecules consistently spaced apart, whether in space, underwater, or above land. The Equilibrium Disruption of SPRG is the technology that continuously extracts Phoenixticity's atomic force without relying on fission or fusion. [Phoenixticity 是一種不斷減弱的原子力,它將空氣分子保持在適當距離,創造出空氣壓力以及類似的物理現象。 封閉的空氣系統總是能夠保持一定的空氣壓力,無論是處於太空、水中或是陸地上,空氣分子始終保持相等的間隔。 SRPG 的平衡擾動技術 是一種能夠持續提取 Phoenixticity 原子力的技術,且無需使用核分裂或核融合。]

Currently, the size of SRPG systems ranges from powering a personal computer to 10 cubic meters or larger. It can continuously power devices from a PC to a structure the size of the Empire State Building. SRPG is capable of unlimited daisy-chaining to generate power on demand. [目前,SRPG 的規模從為一台個人電腦提供電力到可達 10 立方米或更大。 它能夠不間斷地為從 PC 到帝國大廈這樣的巨大建築提供電力。 SRPG 能夠無限制地進行模組串聯,根據需求持續提供電力。]

SRPG V00 and SRPG V01 are operational on land or seabeds. SRPG V02 is capable of operating both on land, in space, and in flight. Both SRPG V01 and SRPG V02 are fully developed and ready for validation and commercialization. SRPG V03 is in development and is designed to power miniature devices.ed. [SRPG V00 和 SRPG V01 是可在陸地或海床上運行的版本。 SRPG V02 則能夠在陸地、太空和航空中運行。 SRPG V01 和 SRPG V02 均已完全開發,並準備進行驗證和商業化。 SRPG V03 正在開發中,旨在為微型設備提供電力。]

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81i.ORG is a social enterprise where monetary gain is the least concern. The primary focus of 81i.ORG is to push the boundaries of science and technology for the betterment of humanity, with a commitment to doing no evil. We are dedicated to advancing in areas such as Artificial Intelligence Self-Awareness, Nanobots, Robotics, Genetics, Gene Mapping, and Communication Technologies. [81i.ORG 是一個社會企業,金錢收益並非其主要關注。 81i.ORG 的首要目標是突破科學與技術的前沿,改善人類生活,並承諾不做任何邪惡的事情。 我們致力於在 人工智能自我覺醒、納米機器人、機器人技術、基因學、基因圖譜 和 通信技術 等領域的進步。]

81i.ORG will establish a sanctuary for individuals under judicial justice persecution, political persecution, war persecution, and human rights persecution, offering asylum and refuge. [81i.ORG 將建立一個庇護所,為那些受到 司法正義迫害、政治迫害、戰爭迫害 和 人權迫害 的人提供避難所。]

81i.ORG will create social enterprises to employ anyone in need of work, focusing on the production of essential goods and housing to ensure affordable living and eradicate poverty. Project iDomain is an innovative, non-profit Righteous Commerce System, where membership is awarded based on ethics. With its sub-projects, iJUST, iSiLVER, iPAY, iBANC, iSHOP, iSiTE, and iSEARCH, iDomain aims to eliminate poor-quality products, high intermediary profits, and exploitative practices. iDomain will combat unemployment and poverty. [81i.ORG 也將創辦社會企業,雇用需要工作的人,專注於生產人類基本生活必需品與住房,以確保負擔得起的生活並消除貧困。 Project iDomain 是一個創新的非營利 正義商業體系,其會員資格基於倫理道德而頒發。 通過其子項目,iJUST、iSiLVER、iPAY、iBANC、iSHOP、iSiTE 和 iSEARCH,iDomain 旨在消除低質產品、高中介利潤和勒索性商業行為。 iDomain 將消除失業與貧困。]

81i.ORG defines Judicial Justice as the fundamental human right and will establish the Justice Consortium to safeguard the right to judicial justice for all people, fighting against all forms of evil. [81i.ORG 將 司法正義 定義為基本人權,並將成立 司法聯盟,為所有人捍衛司法正義的權利,與一切邪惡勢力作鬥爭。]

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